JMMB Shares Pointers on Taking Care of Mind, Body & Spirit While Coping in COVID-19

27 May 2020

As a result of the over one month–long government-mandated orders that restrict movement, coupled with the far-reaching economic fallout caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), some persons have experienced feelings of anxiety and COVID-19-related stress. It is against this background that the recent JMMB Goal Getter Live webinar sought to share coping mechanisms with participants, across its social media channels, namely: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, promoting a holistic well-being approach –taking care of mind, body and spirit. 

Taking Care of the Mind
Clinical psychologist, Sonia Wynter, kick-started the discussion, giving insight into telltale signs of emotional and mental distress, to which individuals should be alert, within themselves and their loved ones, and also shared practical strategies to cope. She advised individuals to pay keen attention to negative thought patterns, feelings of hopelessness and change in behaviour.  Wynter, therefore, encouraged participants to protect their mental space, by controlling how much information they take in, while also ensuring that the information is also credible and factual. Adding, “Be conscious that you are not feeding your mind on only negative information and filtering out positive information”, as this can lead to increased stress and feelings of hopelessness. 

Cautioning that feelings of anxiety and stress may persist, even after this crisis has passed; the psychologist outlined the following pointers to help to preserve one’s mental and emotional well-being: 
•    Exercise regularly;
•    Eat right; 
•    Ensure you have a good sleep routine;
•    Connect with others, using technology, and keeping with social distancing protocols;
•    Practice health–related protocols, such as sanitization, mask-wearing, hand-washing and all other preventative measures, shared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Ministry of Health and Wellness; and
•    Get/Set a routine, even though you may have experienced some shift in your working environment or seeking to balance homeschooling, so that your life has some structure and normalcy. 

Taking Care of the Body 
Natalie Murray, integrative health coach, in building on Dr. Wynter’s presentation, noted that the body is an interconnected system that requires all aspects to be fully functional, in order to remain healthy and balanced, especially during this crisis. In sharing practical steps to create balanced meals, to bolster the body, Murray outlined:
•    Get a meal plan: “This helps you to create a shopping list so that you can reduce the frequency and time spent in the supermarket and the stress of figuring out what to prepare.” She encouraged parents to get the family involved in meal planning and preparation, thereby encouraging bonding and buy-in.  The health coach also encouraged repurposing meal ingredients, as a creative way to make new meals and reduce expense. 
•    Eat Healthy: Murray noted that since persons, especially children, are now eating more at home, to reduce contact with others, they may also be tempted to snack more. She, therefore, recommended healthy snack options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, advising persons to avoid purchasing high sugar and salty snacks. She further outlined that a key component of staying healthy is choosing healthy, balanced food options, to ensure you boost your immune system, reduce inflammation and protect gut health. Some of the top food recommendations are: whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried herbs, foods rich in fibre, probiotics and water. 
•    Exercise: Even as some gyms will slowly reopen and persons seek alternative work-out options, because of social distancing protocols, Murray encouraged persons to get creative by using technology. “There are online classes that persons can join, while some gyms offer one-on-one online programmes to help you with your accountability…you can also use YouTube for free resources,” shared the health coach. Adding, persons should be gentle with themselves, as they ease back into a work-out routine, “Do the exercise that works for you, at a time that works best for you...working out doesn’t have to be an hour or an hour and a half; even a few minutes a day can help…the important thing is to keep moving. “

Take Care of Your Spirit 
Trishan Haughton, therapeutic yoga teacher, closed the evening’s session, with the demonstration of some stress-busting yoga moves, to simply relieve the added stress that persons now face, in these uncertain times. Her routine also included breathing exercises, which she shared can, “help individuals to relax and get rid of tension in the body, especially when you sit a lot.” 

The health experts also outlined that similar coping strategies could be used by children, to ensure their health and well-being were being maintained, as they too are impacted by the crisis. 

The JMMB Goal Getter Live series of webinars is designed to give hope, lend expertise and share solutions that will assist clients and the wider public, to navigate the crisis; and serves as an avenue to address a cross-section of topical issues. Thus far, the series has explored a range of topics, including: “Managing Your Cashflow as an SME During COVID-19”; “Keeping Your Investments on Track During COVID-19”;  “The Future You - After COVID-19”; “Personal Money Perspectives”; “Budgeting Essentials & Money Management”; “Home Schooling and Balancing it All”; “Discovering Money Making Opportunities”; “Building Relationships”  and “10 Things You Need to Know, to Grow Your Wealth.” Group CMO, Kerry-Ann Stimpson, also shared, “this online series underscores JMMB Group’s commitment to being in our clients’ world, with their best interest at heart; and we are happy that we have received some positive feedback from our clients and online JMMB family, many of whom look forward to the weekly webinars and the ‘keeping it real approach’ of our presenters.” 

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