Quick Response from JMMB’s Dominican Republic Subsidiary, to Meet COVID-19 Challenge

Subsequent to the implementation of its organization-wide COVID-19 Response Plan, the JMMB Group is congratulating its team at their subsidiary offices in the Dominican Republic (Dom Rep), for their quick and decisive actions, with the recent diagnosis of one of its team members, as one of the five (5) persons who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, in that country.
The Ministry of Public Health in the Dom Rep has confirmed that there are five (5) persons who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, in the Dom Rep. On March 8, 2020, one of the team members, employed to JMMB in the Dom Rep, who recently travelled to Italy, tested positive for COVID-19. She is being treated and is responding positively to treatment. In accordance with the Dom Rep health authorities’ protocol, she has been quarantined there.
The JMMB Dom Rep subsidiary leadership team, having already activated the JMMB Group’s COVID-19 Response Plan, were ready to respond and immediately went into action, and, working with the Dom Rep health authorities, identified all other JMMB team members who had potential risk contact with the team member, and are now in a mandatory 14-day quarantine, at home in the Dom Rep, as a precaution. The Dom Rep office facility was also thoroughly treated, in keeping with standards established by the local authorities.
With yesterday’s announcement, by the Ministry of Health in Jamaica, confirming its first imported case of COVID-19 in Kingston, the JMMB Group remains confident that its Response Plan, as exhibited by its subsidiary team in the Dom Rep, has placed the organization in a state of readiness, to manage the threat of the disease. JMMB continues to take all of the necessary steps, as outlined by the respective public health authorities, to protect our clients and team members across the Caribbean, against the threat of COVID-19.
Prior to the confirmation of the impacted team member in the Dom Rep subsidiary, the JMMB Group had already taken the decision to cease all non-essential international travel for company business, by its team members and directors.
As the world is faced with this pandemic, JMMB encourages all businesses in the region to take the threat seriously, and to work with their local health authorities, to ensure that proper protocols are in place for their team members and the clients they serve.
We invite our clients to direct any questions they may have, to a JMMB representative by calling (876) 998-5662.