Never stop learning
Dollars and Good Sense provides valuable tips and insight on how to better manage your money. We always want to see our clients grow in their knowledge of their own personal finances.
Please, don’t keep these to yourself. Share with friends, family, and co-workers. And don’t be afraid to contact us—we want to know what you think and what you want to read about next.
Want to Multiply Your Money? Master Your Money Mindset
Do you have financial patterns which are not getting you to your financial goals as fast you want? You are not alone.
3 Steps to Avoid Overspending During the Holidays
It’s easy to get carried away with overspending during the holiday season.
5 Practical Uses of Your Christmas Bonus
Here are five practical uses of your holiday bonus that will make you better off in the long- run:
How I Fixed My Financial Fiasco . . . and How You Can Too
Think about that financial goal that you want with your whole heart, maybe it’s the car, home, rental property, retireme