Building a life
How do you grow from here?
Build on your success
Once you’ve become an Established Earner, you’ve experienced some of the best life has to offer. You’ve also found grounding, both in mind and in finance. You may have more responsibilities now. At work, you’ve progressed in your career. If you have children, you’re watching them grow.
Your life is fundamentally different now, in many ways for the better. You’re still young, you’re smarter than you ever were before, and you have a much larger income than you did. And with more income comes greater freedom, financially.
That freedom comes with responsibility. You must manage multiple priorities (ensuring the bills are paid, providing for your children, saving for retirement). If you can do that effectively, now is the time to see what your extra capital can accomplish for you. Here are some tips to help you make smart financial decisions, so you can reach your goals.
The Long Game: Children’s Education and Retirement
Your retirement and your children’s tertiary education; one may sound like heaven and the other...might not sound as pleasant. However, these two things are realities for the Established Earners.
This doesn’t mean that you have to devote your entire pay cheque to these two endeavors, but ensuring that you are contributing an adequate amount to both accounts will be transformational for your future.
If you’re interested, please read our sections on children’s education and retirement
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